Monday, March 1, 2010

Are we crazy people?

I don't know how many more news like this will be displayed to us?
I don't know how many more news like this will be displayed to our children?
I don't know how many more news like this will be displayed again and again and again in our many generations to come?

Syafia Humairah Sahari,

You are one to many news
You are not able to defend yourself
Even the people who are seeing you on the field cannot do anything
Even aftermath, they are still let you stay with that predator

Do we coward?
Do we "people with don't care attitude"?
Do we learned to much with "jangan jaga tepi kain orang"
Do we type of people who thinks tooo........ positive that the predator will change?

I don't know what to say.

May God bless you in next world.

How about us here?
What do we learned from this incidence?
Are we crazy?
But one thing for sure, every one of us have something to answer in the next world.